

In mid-August 2023, the Marion Municipal Airport in Indiana set the stage for the 8th annual Indy Airstrip Attack, an exhilarating event that featured more than 300 high-performance supercars competing in live half-mile drag races. Award-winning directors and video engineers Jeffrey Hart and Ryan Randels, seasoned veterans in the world of broadcasting high-octane car races, were entrusted with the task of producing the live broadcasts for this event, leveraging their extensive expertise to deliver a captivating and seamless viewing experience for fans of the sport.



Jeff and Ryan’s primary challenge was ensuring the seamless transmission of car footage across a substantial distance with minimal latency.

Spanning three action-packed days and featuring hundreds of ½ mile runs each day, this event demanded a broadcasting system capable of delivering uninterrupted streaming for extended periods. With over 2 million eager viewers tuning in to witness the excitement, reliability was paramount.



Jeff and Ryan decided to use the Teradek Ranger and Bolt systems in place of some outdated IP equipment, both improving and simplifying their workflows. They positioned two cameras strategically: one at the starting line and another midway along the ½ mile track.

The starting line camera transmitted its feed from a Bolt 6 to a receiver located 300 ft away, which was then connected to a Ranger 4K via a 300 ft SDI cable. This Ranger subsequently transmitted the footage an impressive 2000 ft further to its receiver alongside the broadcasting van, covering a total distance of 2,600 ft. The camera at the midway point utilized a Ranger 4K to transmit its footage to a receiver positioned 2,000 ft away.

Both receivers were then connected via SDI to the production switcher within the broadcast van, where the cameras were masterfully directed in time to the fast-paced action before adding graphics and final audio mixdown. 



The live stream achieved remarkable success, drawing over 2.1 million unique live viewers and accumulating an astounding 8 million total views across Facebook, Youtube, and Twitch. As millions of viewers eagerly watched driver Mark Rau attempt to shatter a world record by accelerating an extremely modified 2500 horsepower Lamborghini STO from 0 to 258 mph in just a ½ mile (he was just 2 mph shy from the world record), the camera backhaul remained flawlessly uninterrupted, all thanks to the unmatched zero-delay connection provided by Ranger and Bolt.

“Ranger and Bolt worked flawlessly,” said Jeffrey, as he reflected on the impeccable performance of the two systems. “We relied on both systems for two full days in the field, and the absence of noticeable delay was truly remarkable." He emphasized that previous races had posed significant challenges in achieving low latency over such vast distances, but this time, the results were pleasantly swift.


Zero-Delay Wireless Video for Live Production

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