CTRL.5 vs CTRL.3 Lens Controller Comparison | Teradek
Compare similarities and differences between the CTRL.5 and CTRL.3 wireless lens controllers, and discover CTRL.5’s groundbreaking new features and functionality.
Compare similarities and differences between the CTRL.5 and CTRL.3 wireless lens controllers, and discover CTRL.5’s groundbreaking new features and functionality.
Q&A with director Alex Acosta on how he manages multi-camera shoots and utilizes on-set wireless monitoring with iPads and other iOS devices.
Circuit of the Americas hosts F1, NASCAR and more. The track spans 2.1 miles and presents unique technical challenges for Teradek wireless broadcasting solutions.
Truth is, not all low-latency wireless video systems are created equal. What is the difference between True Zero-Delay and WiFi? What is the difference in...
Learn how antenna configuration and placement maximizes the ability to maintain a robust signal for your Teradek Bolt, in all production environments.